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About the Author

Maria Rena Bandiala
Hello there! I’m Maria Rena Bandiala, but you can call me Rain. At 20 years old, I’m navigating the intricate dance of being a BSIT student while also being an independent and hardworking young adult. My journey began the moment I entered this world, and ever since, life has been a beautiful mix of challenges, growth, and endless learning.
I find joy in a variety of activities that bring balance to my life. Whether I'm immersing myself in a captivating book, composing heartfelt pieces, dancing to the rhythm of life, or exploring new music genres, I’m always engaged and inspired. Hiking is another favorite pastime, offering me a chance to connect with nature and discover new sources of inspiration. I’m a practical person who deeply values my principles, time, and money, preferring to invest in meaningful experiences rather than waste resources. Whether I’m enjoying a serene walk or expressing myself through dance, these moments enrich my life and keep me grounded.
Just Me
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I thrive on exploring the strange and uncharted territories of our existence. From unraveling the mysteries of unknown zodiacs to delving into the fascinating realm of manifestations and other unusual phenomena, I find excitement in seeking truths that lie beyond the conventional. My fascination with these enigmatic subjects fuels my quest for deeper understanding and encourages me to embrace the mysteries that shape our world. I believe that life is about more than just daily routines and challenges; it’s a journey of seeking wisdom and discovering the extraordinary within the ordinary.